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SEO Tips

SEO Tips

You have your own website and now you need to understand important SEO Tips on how to get more traffic and more people clicking through your pages.  Google follows a set of rules that basically calculates the validity and originality of your content through a complex series of algorithms.  Lucky for you, you do not have to know how to solve these complicated math equations, you just have to focus on the links, page title, the URL of your website, and a few other SEO Tips.  You want to increase your page rank on Google, these SEO Tips will help you do just that.

SEO Tips to Increase Web Traffic

SEO Tips #1:  Many people believe that Google only cares about a website’s keyword and key phrase density.  This may have been true in the past but Google is much more advanced now and realizes that links are much harder to manipulate, therefore are a more trusted source for search engine optimization. To be effectively indexed up by Google, you need to focus on your domain name, meta page title, and URL structure.

SEO Tips #2: Page rank is not determined by your web coding.  People have the belief that Google was designed by engineers and therefore your technical code really makes a difference. However, there are a few SEO Tips that do deal with coding.  Google doesn’t like any messy or redundant code that slows it search features down.  Other issues to avoid is having lots of broken links in your content, site structures that are confusing and  not ordered to Google’s liking and many of the Black Hat SEO tactics.

SEO Tips #3: Page rank can actually be less influential than people think.  Although PageRank can signify your page is established, it does not rank your site for any competitive words or how important your page is in Google’s eyes.  A high page rank only means that Google views your site as an authority on the specific niche.

SEO Tips #4: Competition can be a great resource to determine what keywords are being the most frequently searched.  Top competitors have already done lots of research to determine what keywords are making the most money.  Take advantage of all that research to determine what keywords you want to include in your marketing strategy.

SEO Tips #5: There is NO exact formula to follow for the best SEO results.  If the perfect set of SEO formulas and proportions existed, every optimizer and marketing specialist out there would be following the same tactics. The only things that high ranking sites have in common are trusted links from other websites, good behavior as seen by Google with no broken rules, and older domain age.  Credibility takes time, it cannot happen over night, at least not with Google around.

The Core SEO Tips

You can have tons of credible links and the best URL money can buy, but your page will never reach its highest rank without time.  Time is the very core concept that Google will never stop following.  SEO is a process that takes time.  Luckily, with patience, dedication to building credibility, and understanding these SEO Tips your website will continue to gain popularity and you will see the results you need.  We hope that these SEO Tips will help you make an informed decision when writing SEO.


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