Technology, Communication and Social Media

Introduction to Social Media

Introduction to Social Media

Social media is filled with people…normal people like you and me.  Social Media is very important, but traditional media outlets are still predominant when it comes to media relations.  It is a piece of the pie — not even that, an ingredient of the pie.  It is just another tool to employ as part of a much broader marketing strategy.  Social media is just another tool in the tool box.

Social Media: A Fantastic Tool

Social media is a fantastic tool for spreading information, but there’s no guarantee that the information is correct or accurate.  It is more immediate and real-time than traditional media  channels so you need to act quicker and receive information faster.  Social Media is not hidden behind grammar, public relations mask, political or traditional media influences.  Social Media isn’t just for teens,  celebrities and protest movements, anyone and everyone can take advantage of Social Media.  Social media isn’t about numbers, or spreadsheets, or models, or calculating ROI to the last tenth of a decimal point.  Its about a wider and more connected live streaming network.

Importance of Social MediaWhat Social Media Is Not

Social media isn’t a discipline in and of itself, and the goals people and companies have are very different.  It is very useful, because we can help people all over the world.  Social Media is the term for all the ways people connect to people through computation. Social Media is electronic communication that seeks to connect, collaborate, or inform.  Social media has transformed the landscape of communication worldwide and presents a powerful and critical platform for alumni relations programs.

Social media is one such avenue, that can boost a products image or ruin a products image within hours. Social Media is also be used for low-cost and trustworthy market research.  It is a powerful and cost-effective branding tool for the interactive artist and is an extremely powerful tool for improving the customer experience by monitoring the brand conversations taking place.  Social media is a great engine for conversations with prospects you’re already engaged with.

Social media has so far presented itself as the antithesis of broadcast media like television and radio.  It can help your business, but only if you let it be more than a broadcast channel.  It is not for everyone or for every business  because some may not be ready for it.  Social Media can be measured, but measuring isn’t the same for everyone.  Social media is not about status updates, and marketing and it is not about messaging.

Communicating with Social Media

Social media is not just another communications channel, it is a tactic. A crisis does not ever happen in one channel in isolation, it is a broad spectrum of live connections.  It is here to stay, and those who learn how to effectively leverage it will reap the benefits.   Social media is a direct dialogue between you, your friends and those who may not be so friendly.

Social media is evolution on speed. Change is critical to its survival and relevancy.  It is growing at an exponential rate right, with Facebook making up the largest of the networks.  It is the preferred method of getting in contact with someone or making new connections.  It is like someone giving you free airtime on a television commercial in front of millions of people.  Social media is less about advertising to the masses and more about providing interesting content to people that encourages interaction.

Changing The Way We Communicate

Social media is a great equalizer in that it allows small companies to compete more effectively with large ones.  It has changes the way companies view and reach out to their customers.  It is not a mean to deliver a superior experience to customers.  It is like the recipe for Mom’s favorite spaghetti sauce or chocolate chip cookies.  Social media is having a tremendous impact on how brands interact with consumers.  Social media is ripping off the mask and exposing the wrong things that leaders do wrong.

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