Technology, Communication and Social Media

Microsoft Messenger Replaced by Skype

Microsoft Messenger Replaced by Skype

After days of speculation, Microsoft has confirmed the rumor that they will do away with Microsoft Messenger and merge the service with Skype. According to the Associated Press:

“Microsoft is dropping its instant-messaging program and forcing most users to switch to Skype.

Maintaining Windows Live Messenger made less sense after Microsoft Corp. bought Skype for $8.5 billion last year. A new version of Skype released a few weeks ago allows users to sign in with a Microsoft account. By merging the two services, people won’t have to maintain two separate contact lists.

Microsoft says much has changed in how people communicate. There’s more use of text messaging and social networking.

Microsoft Messenger users who switch to Skype will get benefits such as the ability to call landline and mobile phones and better support on mobile devices.”

Microsoft Messenger Replaced by SkypeMicrosoft Messenger Replaced by Skype: Reports

There have been several online outlets reporting that this announcement was on the way. has been all over this story, reporting earlier this week:

“The Verge has learned through several sources that Microsoft’s Windows Live Messenger service will be retired in the coming months and integrated into Skype. Microsoft has slowly been moving people over to the Messenger backend for Skype over the past few months, with around 80 percent of all IMs sent on Skype being handled by Messenger.”

They have also reported on efforts already underway to merge the two services:

“The move follows efforts by Skype to link Microsoft accounts to Skype login names ahead of its global retirement plan for Windows Live Messenger. Users of Skype 6.0 for Mac and Windows are now greeted with options to log in using a Microsoft or Facebook account.”

It is anticipated that the move could be complete in the US as early as the end of March 2013, with services in Mainland China being phased out shortly after.


Microsoft Messenger Replaced by Skype: Competitors

There has also been the suggestion that the move is timed to stay just ahead of Skype’s newest competitor. The new Virgin Media app for iPhone and Android “Smart Call” is set to offer users many of the same services they get from Skype. The free app is scheduled for wide release at the beginning of 2013, and many are speculating the Microsoft Messenger replacement by Skype is part of a larger strategy to stay ahead of the competition.

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