Technology, Communication and Social Media

Social Media Listening

Social Media Listening

You may ask yourself, how do I integrate a Social Media Listening grid?  Here at Mojo Creator we utilize many different types of Social Media Listening tools.  We have a dedicated staff that listens to the social chatter and then disseminates the data we receive into priority packets. Social Media Listening should not be taken lightly as it is a very important process when trying to understand your customer.   Our listening grid staff enhances our already highly structured social media team. This addition helps our team focus on customer service programs for other businesses.

Social-Media-ListeningSocial Media Listening Tools

If you are looking for a free and basic social media listening tool you can try out Social Mention.  Social Mention doesn’t drill down into the detailed analytics like the Radian6, but it can give you a broad idea of overall sentiment. Social media listening can never fully replace market research but it can increase the effectiveness of your research.  We aren’t implying that social media listening and monitoring tools don’t provide value.  Social media listening tools can be very beneficial when you have to sift through an intimidating amount of tweets, status updates, photos, videos, blog posts and website links.

Social Media Optimization, at its most basic level, monitors aggregated data from the Internet for keywords, trends, sentiment and conversation drivers.  For example, its possible to use the social media listening grid to find potential customers for your industry.  All that is needed is to create a social media listening template and monitor any discussion in real-time about your keyword of focus.  This allows you to engage customers that are situated around your keyword focus within the listening grid.

Social Media Listening Grid

Its important to understand that Social Media Listening doesn’t simply mean paying attention to Twitter, Facebook, or Youtube.  At Mojo Creator we have had great success when talking to clients about the social media listening grid.  The social media listening grid is all about style of listening and keyword understanding. Social Media is comprised of many different layers and you can dig deeper and uncover conversations happening elsewhere.  There are a lot of good customer insights that can be gathered through social media listening grid.


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